about us

We are rapidly growing team with all around computer enthusiasts with experience in almost all possible fields. From banking, real estate, education to the automation, IoT projects and lately in VR / AR experiences.


Our mission on this world...is to make this world better place to live in.

Providing various affordable services to the regular folks and companies, as we are seeing the future world fully automated in which people are only supposed to live and enjoy in the life.


Long term visionTo inspire and to make turnkey solutions

Our "vision" to the world is through 3D glasses, VR / AR and Holograms in the future. We were positive about future when self driving cars is standard,

3D Virtual experiences are all around instead of the plain ol' 2D as it is currently, SmartTV-s are completely "out of the box", Future shopping sites are no longer "unnatural", aka Imagine shopping experience as natural as it is real,

Social sites are no longer annoying ( You will choose your own content more easily with natural access to the filters ), Hand / body trackers are primary computer input,

And finally ( Work in progress - www.jobandsales.com ), where you can easily search for the jobs and even work in Virtual environment.


Our sponsors if you wish to be one contact us

You may enter this pool to build better future with us.

Feel free to contact us regarding anything.

our Services

Complete solutions and systems for: Learning Management System, Real Estate Services, Brokerage Services and Systems for real time FOREX trading, Automation, Smart home through IoT, Next Generation Healthcare Systems and Gambling, VR Presentations, whole turnkey solutions from ground up.

contact us

Contact us on the following contact form and we will help you best as we can

Get in touch !

187 Wolf Road, Suite 101,
Albany, New York 12205
(518) 300-3831
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COPYRIGHT © Machinez Design LLC